Thursday, July 30, 2020

Learn Best Study Skills From Best Student


Note: Merit scholarship award is given to 1 student ONLY that scored best results among all the students throughout Malaysia. The recipient receives 100% free tuition fee for 1 semester.

Lessons to learn
(1) Time Management: How does she find time to do assignment and prepare for exam ?  She is a full time teacher, principal and operator of a big kindergarten. She works long hours, more than 10 hours a day. Find out her secret in the video.

(2) English & writing skill: How does she uses her strength on English proficiency to improve writing on assignment and exam ? Find out her tips in the video.

(3) Consistency on reading and revision: How can she submit assignment on time ? How she catch up with the assignments ? How does she spend time on reading learning materials and practise the Quizzes ? Find out her tricks in the video.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

EXAM TIMETABLE (07th to 9th August 2020)


Kindly refer to the exam timetable that has different modes of exam format.
For Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education,  the exam formats have 2 types:

(1)  Mixed mode (submit completed Part B answers to myPLS within 7 days)
Subject name & subject code
ECE222: Creative Arts, Music and Movement
ECE133: Growth and Development of Children

(2) Online Examination  (to be submitted within 24 hours)
Subject name & subject code
MPU3222: Academic Writing 

(5) All the examination informations should refer to ANNOUNCEMENT at myAeU only !

Friday, July 24, 2020


(1) Planning table for taska observation, lesson plan, video, reflection journal, innovation project, observation by coach/lecturer.
(2) Setting shareable LINK: Anyone with link can view the video at YouTube & Google Drive files